Holy Space of Alice Bailey
Greetings, Beloved Hearts!
I am Alice Bailey. I am pleased to be part of the Goddess Lodge in the I AM University and to be able to share with you in this capacity. Most of you I think, are aware of my close relationship with the Tibetan master Djwhal Khul and I have continued to keep this friendship going and Djwhal Khul has certainly imparted much of his profound wisdom to me and to all of you which I am eternally grateful for. I like to share with you that I have continued to do my service work of imparting knowledge and acting as scribe in the inner planes as well! Most of you may be surprised to hear this, but in the inner planes we all continue to learn and grow and my work as scribe hasn’t really changed, though the method has!
Another area of my work includes being on a Council of Channels where we exchange information from higher sources and we also train channels who are currently incarnated on earth! Much of the work is currently behind the scenes, however, this work will be made more actively known as spiritual practitioners and light workers become clearer in their consciousness. Here, I like to add that the work of a channel is most of the time not as ‘glamourous’ as people on earth think. Those who work on the Council of Channels are masters of high integrity whose focus is simply to access higher information and thus to dispense and teach it. As Dr Stone would say, though not in these words, be discerning about the glamour of the new age movement where channeling is concern! If you are of pure heart and intent and would like to serve the ascended masters in the capacity of being a channel for them, pray and ask for an audience with the Council of Channels. And we will consider your application and have you trained, if it is God’s will.
Now the idea of channels in the inner planes may be puzzling to some of you. Most people think that once one translates into the soul world, one would have access to information of everything in God’s universe. However, this is a great misconception. One’s level of clarity in consciousness still plays the biggest role in how much access one has to higher knowledge, or divine wisdom even though one is not inhibited by the limitations of a physical body in the soul world. You may be surprised to know that there are some very gifted initiates on the earth plane who are clearer channels than those in the inner planes!
My beloved friends, my main message to you is, recognize the importance of working on your consciousness, for it is the only possession so to speak, that you have, which you will take with you when you enter the soul world. It is for this reason that you keep your mind steady in the Light, as Djwhal Khul would say.
In Light and Love,
Alice Bailey