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The Actual Content of the Ascension Classes!

By Dr Joshua David Stone

Before I actually begin listing all the potential classes, in terms of their content, let me say that I am not putting these classes in any specific order. What I am going to recommend here, is that the leader or leaders of the class who are working with this book put a check mark next to classes you feel intuitively guided to focus on in your class. After checking the ones you are most drawn to, then I recommend prioritizing them as to your favorites, and as to the order by which you want them to unfold on a weekly basis.

If this class is a leaderless group or more aptly put, if everyone is a leader, there could also be a voting as to which subject matters the group wants to focus upon. The encyclopedia I have written is so comprehensive that I could literally supply you with new classes for 4 or 5 years and you would never have to repeat a subject. So, the Masters are guiding me to allow you to use your own intuition and inner guidance as to what class subjects to focus on in your group. On that note I will begin. Each class will be numbered from 1-100 and so on down the line, for easy referencing.

Class Number One

The Core Fear Matrix Removal Program

This class, as with all classes, will begin with the opening ceremony as described in Chapter One. To begin this class, call forward El Morya, Kuthumi, Serapis Bey, Paul the Venetian, Hilarion, Sananda, St. Germain, Djwhal Khul and Vywamus, to overlight and guide this class, during the reading and discussion of the chapter you will be reading together as a class and the meditation that follows.

Then read the chapter called “The Core Fear Matrix Removal Program”, in my book called Beyond Ascension, together as a group. While doing the reading of the chapter, call to the above-mentioned inner plane Ascended Masters and ask them to remove all the core fear they can from each individual and from the entire group body while the reading of this subject is going on. In the later meditation that will be done on audio cassette, I will guide an even deeper cleansing of core fear and negative ego programming, among other things, using my audio tape meditation. The inner plane Ascended Masters will continue to remove the core fear programming, like pulling weeds, from a beautiful garden while your reading and lively discussion is going on. The actual reading and talking does not interfere with this process. Take a 15 minute break, after about 45 minutes of reading and discussion.

After break, do the 18 Point Cosmic Cleansing Meditation in audio tape form that is available to be ordered from the Melchizedek Synthesis Light Academy and Ashram. If you do not have the audio tape, I have enclosed in written form, in an earlier chapter, the 50 Point Cosmic Cleansing Meditation, which is an updated version of the 18 Point Cosmic Cleansing Meditation which you can use. If you chose to use the 50 Point Cosmic Cleansing Meditation than the leader of the group will read it to the class members, leaving time between each cleansing activation for the inner plane Ascended Masters to do their work.

The advantage of the tape is that the leader can just kick back and be totally receptive and not have any responsibility for reading the meditation out loud. The fact that it is my voice guiding the meditation may be an advantage to some. There are so many classes you will be doing, you can rotate as a change of pace. Personal sharing after meditation. Do closing ceremony, as described in opening chapter. Socializing, networking and refreshments.

Class Number Two

Working With The Ascension Seats

This class will begin as with all classes with the standard opening ceremony, as described in Chapter One. Begin this class by calling forth Melchizedek, The Mahatma, Metatron, Melchior, Helios and Vesta, Lord Buddha, Lord Maitreya and St. Germain, to overlight and guide this class during the reading and discussion, of your chapter, this week as well as the meditation you will be doing the second half of the class.

Then read together as a group out loud the chapter called “Instructions for Utilizing the Planetary and Cosmic Ascension Seats”, in my book called Cosmic Ascension. This book should be officially published by Light Technology Publishers, of Sedona, AZ, by April 1998. Prior to this date, the book can be obtained from me personally, in manuscript form. After reading this section, take time for questions, answers and sharing, and then take a break.

Upon returning from the break, play my audio tape called “The Updated GOD Ascension Seat Meditation”. For those who don’t have the tape, I have enclosed that meditation in written form, in an earlier chapter, for your convenience. If the leader chooses to use the written form, than again he will just read the meditation out loud, taking at least a 5 minute pause for silence, between each ascension seat that has been journeyed to. Take time for personal sharing after meditation. Do closing ceremony, as described in opening chapter. Social time and refreshments.

Class Number Three

Ascension Activation Class

This class will begin with the standard opening ceremony. To begin this class call forth Melchizedek, The Mahatma, Metatron, The Seven Chohans and Djwhal Khul and ask them to overlight, guide and direct the reading and discussion that follows and the later meditation, in the second half of the class.

Then read together the chapter called “The Cutting Edge of Ascension: Information and Techniques”, from my book called The Complete Ascension Manual. As you read each technique, call that technique in to be activated as you continue reading. Take time for lively discussion and sharing. Take break. Upon return from break, do the meditation called the “Ascension Meditation and Treatment”, that is the last chapter in The Complete Ascension Manual and which I have also enclosed in this book in an earlier chapter for your convenience. Take time for sharing. Do standard closing ceremony. Social time.

Class Number Four

How to Work with the Huna Prayers

This class will begin with the standard opening ceremony. To begin this class call forward Melchizedek, The Mahatma, Metatron, The Divine Mother, Archangel Michael, Sanat Kumara, Lord Buddha, Lord Maitreya, Kuthumi and Djwhal Khul and ask them to overlight and guide the reading and discussion you will be having, as well as the Huna Prayer Practice Session, you will experience the second half of the class.

Read the chapter called “Huna Prayers”, in my book called Beyond Ascension. As you are reading through this book, when you come to the Huna Prayers that have applicability to your class, read them out loud together as a group, all at once. Take a break, after about 45 minutes of reading, lively discussion and actual practice. After the break, take 10 minutes for each person to write out their own personal Huna Prayer, on any subject that is important to them. If you have a fax machine or a Xerox machine, make some quick copies of each person’s Huna Prayer and have the whole class say it out loud together. If you do not have a Xerox machine or fax machine, break into groups of two or three and group members can read the Huna Prayer out loud together, in different areas of your house or classroom.

Another way to do this would be to have the group work on a Huna Prayer together that is for the good of the whole group - let’s say for Ascension activation and for world peace, and anything else that comes to mind. Each person could be given a pen and a piece of paper and could quickly write it out. It is important to not only read about the Huna Prayers but to actually do them and to have the experience. If you have extra time, have the group write out a second Huna Prayer, that has something that each person would like in it. The number of prayer requests and/or diversity of the prayers does not matter. When complete with this process, take time for sharing. Do standard closing ceremony, as described in Chapter One. Social time and refreshments.

Class Number Five

Working with the Twelve Planetary Rays

This class will begin with the standard opening ceremony. Begin this class by calling forth Lord Buddha, Lord Maitreya, Allah Gobi, El Morya, Kuthumi, Serapis Bey, Paul the Venetian, Hilarion, Sananda, St. Germain, Djwhal Khul, Helios and Vesta, Virgin Mary, Quan Yin, Isis, Lakshmi and Pallas Athena and ask these beloved masters to overlight and guide the reading of the chapter you will be doing along with the discussion and later meditation.

Read the chapter called “Esoteric Psychology and the Science of the Twelve Rays”, in my book called The Complete Ascension Manual. Take time for sharing and lively discussion. Take break. Play the audio tape meditation called “The Ultimate Cosmic Ray Meditation”. If you do not have this audio tape, I have also enclosed this meditation in written form, for your convenience. Take time for sharing. Do closing ceremony, as described in earlier chapter. Social time.

Class Number Six

The Seven Levels of Initiation

This class will begin with the standard opening ceremony. Call forth Lord Buddha, Lord Maitreya, Allah Gobi, St. Germain, El Morya, Kuthumi, Serapis Bey, Paul the Venetian, Hilarion, Sananda, Djwhal Khul, Virgin Mary, Quan Yin, Isis, Lakshmi, Helios and Vesta and Pallas Athena.

Read together the chapter called “The Seven Levels of Initiation”, from my book called Beyond Ascension. Leave room for lively discussion and sharing. Take break. Play audio tape mediation called “Ultimate Ascension Activation Meditation”. Standard closing ceremony. Personal sharing time. Social time.