I AM University
> About Dr Stone & Gloria Excelsias
About Dr Stone & Gloria Excelsias
About Dr Joshua David Stone
Dr Joshua David Stone had a Ph.D. in Transpersonal Psychology and was a Licensed Marriage, Family and Child Counselor in California. In November 2004 Dr Stone officially launched the "I AM University", which is an actual university that Dr Stone runs on the inner plane and has been guided by Spirit and the Ascended Masters to anchor and externalize on Earth. The "I AM University" is the fast path and Rocketship to becoming a fully realized "Integrated Ascended Master" on Earth in this (…)
About Gloria Excelsias
Gloria Excelsias is an author, counselor and healer from Austria. Whilst studying Translation and Interpretation Studies for Spanish and English at Karl Franzens University in Graz/Austria for several years, she translated a few of Dr Stone’s books from English into German and traveled to several countries around the world in an aspiration to expand her inter-cultural appreciation and understanding. Before graduating from University, Gloria chose to follow her inner calling and moved to (…)
Dr Stone’s Autobiography
My Humble Personal Memories, Dreams, and Reflections: A Spiritual Autobiography in a Nutshell of How I Humbly Realized my 23/24 Levels of Initiation and How I Realized Becoming a Planetary Christ/Mighty I AM Presence/Integrated Ascended Master on Earth!
[This article was written in 2004.]
My Beloved Readers, I had this idea to do an autobiographical chapter on my own personal memories, dreams and reflections of how I climbed my personal Mt Everest so to speak. I ran this idea by Spirit and (…)
Dr Stone & The Office of the Christ
Dr Stone has Humbly been Offered a Future Spiritual Leadership Position in the Inner Plane Spiritual Government by Lord Maitreya to take over “The Office of the Christ and Head of the Hierarchy for the Lifewave currently Incarnated on Earth” when Lord Maitreya Moves on to his Next Higher Cosmic Position!
[This article was written in 2004.]
My Beloved Readers, approximately 5 months after being voted by the Spiritual Hierarchy to be the next World Teacher which I was still integrating, for as (…)
Why Publicly Announce Dr Stone as Future Head of Office of the Christ
Why Publicly Announce that Dr Stone is Training to Serve as Lord Maitreya’s Successor as Future Head of the Office of the Christ & the Spiritual Hierarchy of the Currently Incarnated Life Wave on Planet Earth?
We are living in times which are esoterically known as the “Externalization of the Spiritual Hierarchy”. Every Consciousness Worker on Planet Earth is part of this externalization process and as such everyone on Planet Earth who cares enough to dedicate their life to the evolution of (…)
I AM University
About I AM University
About Dr Stone & Gloria Excelsias
I AM U Mission Statement
I AM U Vision Statement
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