As has already been stated the first dispensation of Ascended Master Teachings was the Theosophical Movement founded by Madame Blavastky who in the Spiritual world is known as Lady Helena! The second dispensation of Ascended Master Teachings is known as the Alice Bailey Writings! The Alice Bailey Writings are made up of 24 books that were channeled by Alice Bailey from the Ascended Master Djwhal Khul during the first half of the 19th century. These writings compose some of the most in-depth and precise Ascended Master Teachings that have ever been given to the Earth! Although some of the Information after 50 years may be a little outdated, the books are still well worth reading and studying even today!
The Alice Bailey material encompasses and covers the full array of all topics as they concern the Spiritual growth of the individual and the planet as a whole. They are an invaluable tool to assisting the initiate and the planet with the ascension into the light! She channeled cutting edge information on a wide array of subjects as publicized in her books entitled, "Initiation, Human and Solar, The Reappearance of the Christ, Letters on Occult Meditation, The Destiny of the Nations, The Consciousness of the Atom, Glamour: A World Problem, A Treatise on Cosmic Fire, Telepathy and the Etheric Vehicle, The Light of the Soul, Education in the New Age, The Soul and Its Mechanism, The Externalisation of the Hierarchy, The Unfinished Autobiography, Discipleship in the New Age, A Treatise on the Seven Rays, Esoteric Psychology, From Intellect to Intuition, A Treatise on White Magic, Esoteric Astrology, From Bethlehem to Calvary, Esoteric Healing, Problems of Humanity, and The Rays and the Initiations!"
The study of the material is guaranteed to accelerate your understanding of the Spiritual path in the most profound way and serves as a key foundational building block upon which the teachings of the new Aquarian Age Fourth Dispensation of Ascended Master Teachings as revealed to the world through the I AM University curriculum are built! Just as Theosophy was a building block for the Alice Bailey Material, the I AM University teachings shall serve as the key integrated full spectrum prism foundation upon which the teachings of the present and future are now being built!
Our collective deep appreciation to Lady Helena, Alice Bailey, and Godfrey Ray King for his channelings of the I AM Discourses of St Germain, for the wonderful foundational building blocks they laid for the fourth dispensation of Ascended Master Teachings known as the I AM University!
I personally speaking now as Dr Stone have a special relationship to Djwhal Khul and the Alice Bailey books for Djwhal was the former head of the inner plane Synthesis Ashram which is one of the eight ashrams of the Christ (Lord Maitreya)! When Dhwhal asked me to be his successor and take over leadership of the inner and outer plane Synthesis ashram it became my Spiritual responsibility and job to bring forth with Spirit and all the Masters the next dispensation of Ascended Master teachings for the Aquarian Age, which integrated the best of the first three dispensations, but also brings through all the cutting edge new revelatory Ascended Master teachings for the New Millennium! Djwhal Khul prophesized around 1940 in the Alice Bailey books that this would take place when he said that at the turn of the century a fourth dispensation would take place that he and all the Masters would all be involved with. The I AM University is the fulfillment of that prophecy in the Alice Bailey books! The Alice Bailey books also speak of the Return of the Christ and the Externalization of the Hierarchy. That prophecy is also being revealed through the I AM University in Lord Maitreya and all the Cosmic and Planetary Masters using the I AM University as its main incarnational service vehicle for the Aquarian Age! The Christ and Externalization of the Masters are returning through the manifestation and realization of the I AM University on Earth! With Lord Maitreya humbly choosing me as his successor as well the circle is now complete and all four dispensations of Ascended Master teachings find new life and new growth through your I AM University!