The I AM University is a real university that Dr Joshua David Stone runs on the inner plane and has been guided by Spirit and the Ascended Masters to anchor and externalize on Earth at the dawn of the Aquarian Age to bring forth the new dispensation of Ascended Master Teachings.
The initials “I AM” in “I AM University” stand for “Integrated Ascended Masters.” It follows that the Spiritual purpose and mission of Dr Stone and the I AM University lies in the training of “Integrated Ascended Masters” on Earth.
At the I AM University you will learn mastery both on 1) a Spiritual/ascension level, 2) a consciousness/psychological level, and 3) on a physical/Earthly level which hence makes the I AM University a complete, integrated and balanced approach to Self and God Realization. God is a Trinity; and, being made in the image and likeness of God, so are we.
The inner plane I AM University is the evolution of the inner plane Synthesis Ashram, just as the former outer plane/Earthly MSLA (Melchizedek Synthesis Light Academy) has evolved into the outer plane/Earthly I AM University. The MSLA (as it was called before its official change of name into “I AM University” on November 2nd 2004) has been the externalization of the Synthesis Ashram, just as the outer plane I AM University is the externalization of the inner plane I AM University on Earth. The inner plane Synthesis Ashram and inner plane I AM University are essentially one and the same thing. The inner plane Synthesis Ashram has been originally created as a sub-Ashram of the Second Ray Department and Office of the Christ to rectify the great disintegration and fragmentation in the consciousness of humanity. The inner plane Synthesis Ashram at its original creation was run by the Ascended Master Djwhal Khul who passed on Spiritual leadership of this inner plane training ground to Dr Joshua David Stone. The inner and outer plane Synthesis Ashram and I AM University are the Second Ray educational outpost of the Office of the Christ.
The I AM University is an actual university on the inner plane that is being externalized on Earth at this time. It is also a replica of the "University of the Great White Lodge on Sirius!" Within this inner plane I AM University you will receive the most complete training that has ever been given to the Earth. You will attend classes, seminars, training programs and workshops and you will be given service opportunities while attending this university, in your soul body, split-off consciousness selves and in a bi-located state any time you wish.
It is a gigantic college-like campus which you can attend 24 hours a day even while functioning on a conscious level on the Earthly plane. The combination of going through the inner plane I AM University and enrolling in the outer plane I AM University with its curriculum, in conjunction with the additional eight inner plane training programs, will literally put you on the Rocketship to Self and God Realization. There is no faster or more accelerated Spiritual Path to achieving your 12 to 22 levels of initiation and Lightbody than attending the inner and outer I AM University.
The I AM University, in its expanded and evolved fashion, has been in operation since the year 2000 and is the primary service vehicle of the Ascended Masters for the Aquarian Age and the next 2,000 year cycle.
The I AM University, on the inner and outer plane, is the ideal Spiritual growth and ascension training for all Souls on planet Earth.
The outer plane I AM University is set up to initially serve as a home study course and shall eventually grow into a real physical university in the decades to come, as is God’s Will.
Since the I AM University is both an inner and outer plane teaching facility, everybody who enrolls in the outer/Earthly plane I AM University is also automatically enrolled in the inner plane I AM University and will hence receive the appropriate training on the inner planes as well. In other words: everybody who enrolls in the I AM University will be working both: from the inside out and from the outside in. You will work on your Integrated Ascension from the inside out in that your enrollment in the I AM University gives Spirit and the inner plane Ascended Masters permission to work on you and with you through the eight official inner plane training programs which have been specifically channeled and brought through in a co-creation between the inner plane Ascended Masters and Dr Joshua David Stone to provide the inner plane / Superconscious / conscious / subconscious training to help you achieve Integrated Ascended Master status. At the same time you will work from the outside in, so to speak, by studying, integrating and applying the I AM University Curriculum on a conscious / outer plane level which has been put together with Spirit and the Masters’ Guidance to help you mold your consciousness and being into that of an Integrated Ascended Master.
The outer plane curriculum of the I AM U consists of the official I AM University Workbook which contains – in honor of the Trinity - all the Spiritual/ascension tools, psychological/consciousness exercises and physical/Earthly application and integration work that is required to achieve your ascension in an integrated and balanced way. It further consists of the Official I AM University Training Manuals, Library, the Ascension Activation Meditations which contain literally hundreds of ascension activations to get you Spiritually activated like nothing else on planet Earth and the subconscious mind makeover audio program consisting of affirmations, simple visualizations, Supersense activation visualizations, hypnosis, Huna Prayers and invocations. Last, but not least, the outer plane curriculum involves the eight Official I AM University Correspondence Courses which have been specifically channeled and written to perfectly dovetail with the eight inner plane training programs to help you become an Integrated Ascended Master in this lifetime and achieve planetary Self and God Realization.
The study, integration and application of this basic inner and outer plane curriculum will give you the inner and outer plane training you need to achieve your seven, 12 and 22 levels of initiation and Lightbody in an integrated and balanced way! The inner and outer plane I AM University will provide you with the Spiritual, consciousness/psychological, and physical/Earthly training and preparatory work you need to fully step into Planetary Spiritual Leadership and fulfill your unique part and puzzle piece that it is yours to play in the manifestation and externalization of the Divine Plan on Earth and to become a Planetary Realized Christ / Buddha / Krishna / Moses / Mohammed / Mighty I AM Presence / God / Goddess on Earth.
The I AM University is a “Planetary Christ / Buddha / Krishna / Moses / Mohammed / Integrated Ascended Master Production Factory of some sort” as Lord Maitreya likes to say. The I AM University produces Integrated Ascended Masters so that the Light / Love / Power Workers incarnate may receive the Full Spectrum Prism threefold training on a Spiritual/ascension, consciousness/psychological and physical/Earthly level that is required of them to fully step into planetary Spiritual Leadership and make everybody’s dream of “Heaven on Earth” a living reality in the consciousness of humanity.
You, who are reading this very message, you are part of the Externalization of the Spiritual Hierarchy!
Contrary to popular opinion and belief, the inner plane Ascended Masters will not incarnate on Earth to light us the way! At the dawn of the Aquarian Age it is people like you, serving the Light, who are called to step into their role as Ascended Masters in training to facilitate the anchoring of the Divine Plan to take physical manifestation on Earth. For YOU are part of the Externalization of the Spiritual Hierarchy on Earth!
The Ascended Masters decided to incarnate as a group consciousness into the I AM University and to use this inner and outer plane teaching facility as their main platform and service vehicle to reveal the Divine Plan and facilitate the required training which the Light / Love / Power Workers on Earth need to go through to realize themselves as the Externalization of the Spiritual Hierarchy on Planet Earth.
The Divine Plan is for people like YOU to eventually take over the Spiritual positions and posts that the inner plane Ascended Masters currently hold so both 1) our elder brothers/sisters and mentors which they are in truth as well as 2) we, the Light / Love / Power Workers may move up the Spiritual ladder of initiation, Lightbody anchoring, activation, actualization and evolution.
Dr Stone was the first Integrated Ascended Master incarnate to take over an actual inner plane governmental position, having taken over the inner plane Synthesis Ashram of the Ascended Master Djwhal Khul and having been asked by Lord Maitreya, current President of the inner plane Spiritual Hierarchy, to serve as his successor after going through the appropriate training, and as future President of the Spiritual Hierarchy for the lifewave which is currently incarnated on Earth. There are millions of vacant Spiritual positions and posts which it is YOUR responsibility and calling as part of the externalization of the Spiritual Hierarchy to fill.
The achievement of one’s 22 levels of initiation and Lightbody in an integrated and balanced way marks “Planetary Christ / Buddha / Krishna / Moses / Mohammed / Mighty I AM Presence / God / Goddess Realization” and equal membership with the Hierarchy of the inner plane Ascended Masters.