Greetings Beloved Friends!
I, Dr Joshua David Stone, am happy to announce that I was told by Spirit and the Masters that I have completed my Spiritual Mission and am free to go back to the Spirit world to continue my work on the inner plane in the Synthesis Ashram, I AM University and Office of the Christ. As I mentioned in the 13 main write-ups explaining the I AM University, I am in Spiritual leadership of the inner plane Synthesis Ashram formerly held by Djwhal Khul. I am also President of the inner and outer plane I AM University. I was voted by the Hierarchy in 2004 to become the next World Teacher for the next 2,000 year cycle, following in the footsteps of the Master Jesus/Sananda who held this position the last 2,000 year Piscean cycle. I am currently in training with Lord Maitreya, who is the current President of the inner plane Spiritual government of Planet Earth, to be his successor and serve as the President of the Spiritual Hierarchy for the next lifewave currently incarnated on Planet Earth. I have made Gloria Excelsias the next President and Director of the I AM University on Earth. I will continue to run the I AM University on Earth from the Spiritual world. Since Gloria is an Ascended Master Channel, I will help guide her how I want the I AM University run on Earth as well since I can communicate with her 24 hours a day since she is an open channel. This being said, Gloria will still be the next earthly President of the I AM University. However, in truth we will be doing it together for I will be channeling through her to make all important I AM University decisions. I will also be running the inner plane I AM University, Synthesis Ashram and World Teacher duties and training for the Office of the Christ Presidency simultaneously. I will continue to channel Books, Correspondence Courses and Training Programs through Gloria. The I AM University on the inner and outer plane is continuing as it always had. Nothing has changed! I will just be doing more of the work on the inner plane and Gloria will be taking care of the work for me on the outer plane in terms of all the earthly logistics!
As you can see, my Beloved Friends, Spirit and the Masters have given me a great deal of Spiritual leadership responsibility. With so much responsibility on my plate and the fact that Gloria, who I trust implicitly, is able to channel me from the Spiritual world; this was the best and most efficient way to use my energies in service. I will personally overlight all who study the work of the I AM University, along with all my celestial friends. As I said I will continue to channel Books, Training Manuals and Correspondence Courses with all the Masters through Gloria from the Spirit world. So in truth nothing is really changing. If you would like to continue to email me and write me, I will continue to answer all my email; however, I will do it as an Ascended Being channeling through Gloria, who will be my instrument and channel along with Spirit and all the other Masters. I have been training and preparing Gloria for this Spiritual assignment for a great, great, great many years. Spirit, the Masters and I now feel her training is complete and she has become an Integrated Full Spectrum Prism Channel. This allows me to move on to my next cosmic position and to prepare myself more fully to become the next President of the Spiritual Hierarchy when Lord Maitreya is ready to move on to his next cosmic position.
So when I say nothing will really change, I really mean it, for I will still be even doing all my email through Gloria! Sounds funny but in this day and age having completed my 24th/25th level of initiation and Lightbody anchoring and activation and with Gloria being fully trained as a channel; this is something that is very easy to do. I wanted to personally let you know about this transformation, transition and ascension process myself that I have just undertaken. So continue to enjoy the incredible services of the I AM University. This transformation will allow me to even more freely overlight all who partake in the profundity of this work along with my Celestial friends. If you ever need my help, just call on me from the Spirit world and you have my word, I will be there in the “twinkling of an eye” to help all sincere seekers of the Light in whatever capacity you would like help with! Along with Spirit and the Masters we prepare a place in Heaven for you and prepare your personal “Crown of Life” for those of you who follow the words of the Master Jesus who said, “Be ye faithful unto death and I will give thee a Crown of Life!”
Earth life can be a tough school; however, with God, Spirit and the Masters, my humble self and the I AM University helping you, who or what can be against you! With my new found freedom in Spirit I will be able to help even more people in a much greater capacity, while still being able to run the Spiritual and earthly I AM University simultaneously. For those who wish to enter the Kingdom of Heaven, Spirit, the Masters and I humbly suggest you study the work of the I AM University, for as Archangel Metatron has so eloquently said, “The I AM University is the fast track to Self and God Realization!”
Love and Light,
Dr Joshua David Stone
[Dr Stone passed on to the Spirit world in summer 2005. Dr Stone himself wrote the above letter before he took his ascension.]
A Word From Gloria Excelsias
Dear Friends,
It is my great honor and privilege to carry on the work of Joshua and the I AM University. It has been my greatest joy to work and co-create with Joshua in physical embodiment and I am greatly looking forward to continue this grand work of God in this new co-creative form.
I have never met a man so on fire for God and so in love with God and the Godforce. Joshua was the living embodiment of all that which he taught! He was the epitome of self mastery, self discipline and love for God in all its expressions, applied wisdom, beauty, harmony, devotion, service, transformation, God purity, joy, inner peace and Full Spectrum Prism consciousness! He was a man of revelation, sanctity and epiphany! His life was not his own! Every breath he took was in glorification and Realization of God! Every word he spoke was in attunement with the Word of God! Every thought he thought and every feeling he created was infused by the Presence of God! And every action he took was in alignment with the Will of God! God was and is his only reality! And he has now fully merged back with this All Encompassing Presence that unites as all!
I have been guided by Spirit and the Masters to share with you that three days before he passed on to the Spirit world Joshua had a dream where God told him that his mission on Earth was complete and that it was time for him to go. My prayer to God was to share this moment of transition with him. By the grace of God my prayer was answered and I was physically with him when he transitioned to the inner plane. The moment his Spirit left his physical body, a feeling of sheer ecstasy, bliss and joy overcame me. My whole body started to vibrate in this ecstatic frequency and I didn’t leave that place for 24 straight hours. I had never experienced anything like this before! I had never remembered a state of consciousness like this before! It was his ascension into the light! To this day and moment I am surrounded and engulfed by a feeling of joy, happiness, inner peace and bliss. I know that each of us as we follow Joshua’s example and dedicate our lives to God and service, achieving Self and God Realization and becoming Integrated Ascended Masters - will have an equally profound transition to the inner plane. Everything that Joshua has done to achieve Planetary Self and God Realization and earn the Spiritual Leadership positions he holds today - he has freely shared with the world in all his writings! It shall be my life’s mission and purpose to spread the profundity of the incredible legacy that he has left around the globe, so our society may transform into one of Integrated Ascended Masters that is Spiritually, psychologically and physically/Earthly equipped to create Heaven on Earth!
As part of this whole transition and process, I have been guided by Spirit, the Masters and Joshua to relocate the I AM University to Salzburg - the Heart of Europe! Having been born in Austria, this location has crystallized itself as the perfect place on Planet Earth to serve as new home for the I AM University Headquarters that allows me best to run and expand the I AM University according to Spirit and the Masters’ Plan.
Let us all rejoice in Joshua’s well deserved new found freedom, ecstasy, Spiritual leadership and joy! And let us all rejoice in the opportunity of Spiritual growth and service that lies ahead of us! I give you my solemn oath in front of God and the entire Godforce gathered here that I will give my all and everything to serving you through the vehicle and platform of the I AM University for the rest of my life as is God’s Will!
Eternally Yours In Service,
Gloria Excelsias