- The Complete Ascension Manual: (…), p1
- Soul Psychology: The Key to (…), p1
- Soul Psychology: The Key to (…), p1
- Beyond Ascension: How to Achieve, p1
- Hidden Mysteries: ET’s, Ancient, p1
- The Ascended Masters Light the (…), p1
- Golden Keys to Ascension & (…), p1
- Cosmic Ascension: Your Cosmic (…), p1
- Manual for Planetary Leadership, p1
- How to Teach Ascension Classes, p1
- Revelations of a Melchizedek (…), p1
- Your Ascension Mission: Embracing, p2
- Ascension and Romantic Relationship, p2
- A Beginner’s Guide to the Path (…), p2
- The Ascension Book Series Index, p2
- The Full Spectrum Prism Bible: (…), p2
- The Little Flame and the Big (…), p2
- Empowerment and Integration (…), p2
- Ascension Activation Meditations, p2
- Letters of Guidance and Teaching, p2
- How to Achieve Self-Realization, p2
- The Bible Revealed From the (…), p2
- A Spiritual Perspective on How (…), p2
- The Universal Laws of God, p2
- Questions & Answers on the (…), p2
- Learning the New Age Jargon: (…), p2
- The Story of Creation: A Compilatio, p2
- God’s Truth and Wisdom Revealed, p2
- How to Celebrate Wesak Booklet, p2
The Complete Ascension Manual: How to Achieve Ascension in This Lifetime
by Dr Joshua David Stone
For those who have the intention but lack the lifetime it would take to study the entire history of spirituality, this extraordinary compendium is a great gift. Dr Stone has gleaned the essentials from vast research as well as intuitive information and woven them into a simple and engrossing exploration of self-realization.
Price: €15
Soul Psychology: The Key to Ascension
by Dr Joshua David Stone
A Psychology concerned with aspects of the Spirit and Soul. Modern Psychology deals exclusively with the personality, whereas Soul Psychology provides revolutionary new techniques for self healing and scension realization. This is one of the most comprehensive and clearest books ever written on the subject - and also guaranteed to be one of the best self-help books you have ever read on this subject!
Price: €15
Soul Psychology: The Key to Ascension Revised Edition
By Dr Joshua David Stone
A Psychology concerned with aspects of the Spirit and Soul. Modern Psychology deals exclusively with the personality, whereas Soul Psychology provides revolutionary new techniques for self healing and ascension realization. This is one of the most comprehensive and clearest books ever written on the subject - and also guaranteed to be one of the best self-help books you have ever read on this subject! Revised Edition!
Price: €15
Beyond Ascension: How to Achieve the Seven Levels of Initiation
by Dr Joshua David Stone
New channeled material that completely demystifies the seven levels of initiation and how to attain them. It contains revolutionary new information about anchoring and opening our 50 chakras and how to build our light quotient at rates of speed never dreamed possible, and hundreds of new ascension techniques and meditations. The potential for "Cosmic Ascension", which exists beyond "Planetary Ascension", is explored in detail.
Price: €15
Hidden Mysteries: ET’s, Ancient Mystery Schools and Ascension
by Dr Joshua David Stone
A comprehensive overview of the entire extraterrestrial movement, in conjunction with a detailed overview of the hidden mystery schools. Also included are hidden esoteric teachings which have graced our planet for eons of time. Awesome information!
Price: €15
The Ascended Masters Light the Way: Keys to Spiritual Mastery from Those Who Achieved It!
by Dr Joshua David Stone
The lives and teachings of forty of the world’s great saints and spiritual masters, which provides a blueprint for total Self-Realization. Cosmic and inspiring guidance from those who learned the secrets of mastery and ascended in their lifetimes!!!
Price: €15
Golden Keys to Ascension & Healing: Co-Creating with Sai Baba and the Ascended Masters
by Dr Joshua David Stone
Dr Stone’s seventh book in his collective book series begins by sharing some of his inner plane experiences and spiritual journey with His Holiness the Lord Sai Baba. In ninety percent of the rest of the book Dr Stone shares the 420 Golden Keys to achieving God-Realization in this lifetime. The author unveils the insights and tools of how to connect with Sai Baba and the inner plane Ascended Masters. There have been many books written about Sai Baba, however, no book has ever been written exploring just the inner plane connection with Him, and showing how he is integrally connected to the Cosmic and Planetary Ascended Masters of the Spiritual Hierarchy. Dr Stone shares a great many personal stories that completely captivates the reader. This book also, in some extremely profound way, is like the "Synthesized Golden Nugget" of his entire series of books. A person reading this book will, in truth, garnish the essence of all books written henceforth. Extremely easy to read, practical, electrifying and awe inspiring page after page. You will literally not be able to put it down once you start reading!
Price: €15
Cosmic Ascension: Your Cosmic Map Home
by Dr Joshua David Stone
Dr Stone’s eighth book in his Ascension book series is literally a Revelation from God and the Cosmic Ascended Masters. It is the first book ever written that truly explains not only Planetary Ascension but Cosmic Ascension in an easy to understand, practical manner. This book begins where The Complete Ascension Manual and Beyond Ascension left off, and page by page takes the reader on a journey back to Source.
Cosmic Ascension is literally your Cosmic map home and will serve as a classic in the field for the next millennium. For those who want to accelerate their ascension and see the ascension process from a full spectrum prism in an integrated manner, this is the book for you! Cosmic Ascension serves as a capstone for all previous ascension books which Dr Stone has written.
This book is so profound and revelatory in nature that words fail to capture the gift that Dr Stone has channeled and written for sincere lightworkers around the globe. It carries the reader on the wave of the new millennium into the previously inaccessible realms within the 352 levels of the Godhead. A must read for every dedicated lightworker.
Price: €15
Manual for Planetary Leadership
by Dr Joshua David Stone
Dr Stone’s tenth book in his collective work is one of the most extraordinary books of the entire series. It is one of the most comprehensive, yet easy to read books on the subject of spiritual leadership ever written. This book also provides one of the most in-depth revelatory looks at the inner plane Ascended Masters’ views on the great social, political, philosophical and religious issues of our time. It is time in the history of the Earth for spirituality and spiritual leadership to become fully grounded and integrated into Earth life and civilization. This is one of the most impactful and electrifying books ever written on this subject. At once practical and spiritual, this book serves to bridge the chasm between daily life as it functions in earthly civilization and the inner life found in the heart and mind of the inner plane Ascended Masters. A must read for all people in the consciousness and growth movement. Fascinating reading! This book serves as a blueprint for the coming next millennium!
Price: €15
How to Teach Ascension Classes
by Dr Joshua David Stone
This book Dr Stone has written is one of the most important books in his entire ascension book series. It was written upon request by the inner plane Ascended Masters to explain to lightworkers, in the most easy to understand and practical manner, how to immediately be able to start up a study group and/or ascension class in your home. This study group or ascension class can be started with one friend, one ascension buddy, a small group of friends or can be set up as an actual class. It can have one leader or teacher, or be set up as everyone in the group sharing that responsibility.
The inner plane Ascended Masters are putting forth the clarion call to lightworkers around the globe to utilize and take advantage of this channeled book on how to set up a study group and ascension class. The Masters would like to see millions of these groups, small and large, springing up all over the planet. Dr Stone has performed a wonderful service to channel and create such a book, which will allow all lightworkers to become ascension teachers and facilitators themselves. As the Master Jesus said, "Where two or more are gathered in my name, there am I among you." Going through the program Dr Stone has outlined in this book is guaranteed to accelerate your ascension process a thousand fold. "Why give a person a fish to eat when you can teach the person to fish?" This is the profundity and enormous value of this revelatory book for humankind.
This book serves a second revelatory function to be a vehicle to gather lightworkers and ascension seekers together in every city on Earth who are interested in ascension work. It promotes community and fellowship. Advanced ascension seekers are encouraged to use this book to teach larger classes in your particular geographic area. Using the system Dr Stone has put forth will make your study group and/or class a guaranteed success.
Price: €15
Revelations of a Melchizedek Initiate
by Dr Joshua David Stone
Revelations of a Melchizedek Initiate begins with a brief overview of the ancient Order of Melchizedek. Dr Stone then takes the reader along with him on his personal journey of initiation beginning at the 6th initiation and continuing through the 12th initiation. Through the sharing of his personal journey through these uncharted and previously unmapped realms and initiations the reader cannot help but be propelled forward upon their own path. Dr Stone shares all of his conversations with the inner plane Ascended Masters as well as all the training he received in the Order of Melchizedek and in his leadership training in Djwhal Khul’s Synthesis Ashram.
Most books on ascension are focused on helping the reader achieve their ascension initiation, which is the 6th initiation. This is one of the first books ever written that actually begins with the 6th initiation and shares the tools, techniques and experiences to realize the beginning stages of Cosmic Ascension!
Price: €15