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Frequently Asked Questions

Q: What is the currency used on the I AM University website?

A: Since the I AM University is located in Austria and since Austria is part of the European Union, the prices shown on the I AM University website and in the information packets, and the prices debited are in euro currency. Please visit Currency Converter to convert euros into your local currency. Please be aware that exchange rates can change daily, and hence the amount debited from your card may slightly fluctuate depending on the fluctuations on the world’s markets. Thank you!

Q: What does VAT mean?

A: VAT stands for “Value Added Tax.” VAT only applies to those countries which are part of the European Union. Not applicable for orders outside the European Union. I AM University is forced by law to apply 10% VAT to all printed materials and 20% VAT to all electronic materials as well as audio/video of any kind. (Member States of European Union: Austria, Belgium, Cyprus, Czech Republic, Denmark, Estonia, Finland, France, Germany, Greece, Hungary, Ireland, Italy, Latvia, Lithuania, Luxembourg, Malta, The Netherlands, Poland, Portugal, Romania, Slovakia, Slovenia, Spain, Sweden, United Kingdom)

Q: Does the I AM University offer official accreditation?

A: No, the I AM University does not offer accreditation that is officially recognized in the world. However, we endeavor to find a way to offer official accreditation in the future. Naturally, this may take many years and/or decades. Nevertheless, attending the I AM University on the inner and outer plane should be recognized as something that holds great value and recognition in the Spiritual world and will greatly add to your Spiritual resume.

Q: Does the I AM University offer any kind of certification?

A: Yes, the I AM University offers certification programs based on service opportunities within the Seven Ray Departments. For more information, please go to: Service Opportunities within the I AM U 7 Ray Departments

Q: Is there certification for courses?

A: No, at the moment the study and application of course materials do not come with Earthly certification. However, we endeavor to put together a certified program that provides a more structured and organized training that includes certification, internships, research internships, lectures, tutorials, seminars, workshops, classes, world service projects and so forth. Naturally, this will take many years and will be implemented gradually into the curriculum of the I AM University in the future.

Q: How can I know that I am actually participating in the inner plane training programs and curriculum of the I AM University?

A: Everybody attends classes at night while they sleep, whether they are aware of it or not. Even while we are awake in this world (of outer consciousness), the greater part of our consciousness is active on the inner plane, going through inner plane trainings, doing planetary service work and so forth. We are consciousness, not physical bodies. Our Monad, which as a spark of God is our true identity, extends a 144th part of its energy through our outer/Earthly consciousness. Our Earthly consciousness, which most of humanity identifies with, is just a fraction of the totality of our consciousness.

You will automatically be taken in your sleep state to work in whatever program you are currently working with on Earth. To see which Earthly correspondence course correlates with which inner plane training program, please see the “inner/outer plane training correlation”. It helps if you “set the intent” to go to the inner plane I AM University before you fall asleep for it will gear your consciousness in the right direction and help you become more “conscious” of what you do on the inner planes. You will go there, whether you are aware of it or not for energy follows thought; however, the more “consciously” you are involved with the I AM University through studying and applying its curriculum, the easier it will be for you to remember your inner plane experiences and retain what you learn. We are pleased to offer the following service, "Specialized Externalization Sessions for 8 Inner Plane Programs", to help you become more aware of your training on the inner plane.

Q: How many years does one have to be enrolled at the Earthly/outer plane I AM University?

A: This is up to each individual. There is currently no set amount of years. However, it would be recommended to be enrolled at least until the completion of the active study, application and integration of the eight basic correspondence courses as they correspond to the eight main inner plane programs. As the I AM University launches its accreditation program, it will become more specific on an Earthly plane level; however, that will most likely take a great many years until a more complex and integrated body of course materials that covers a basic variety of topics is available and until the I AM University fulfills the requirements set forth by the Earthly accrediting agencies.

Q: Why should I enroll?

A: See What You Will Receive Upon Enrollment in the Outer/Earthly Plane I AM University

Q: How long does it take to complete the eight inner plane programs and corresponding eight outer/Earthly plane correspondence courses?

A. It all depends on the individual. One can read the eight correspondence courses in a rather short amount of time; however, the key is to “apply” what you learn. For it is in applying what you have learned that you learn to embody it and become it. The goal is to help any sincere seeker achieve Planetary Self and God Realization. The 22nd level of initiation, when taken in an integrated and balanced way, marks Planetary Self and God Realization. Once you achieve that goal, you start with Solar, then Galactic, then Universal, then Multi-Universal and then Cosmic God Realization. However, realistically, while being embodied on Earth, the farthest one could get is probably Solar Self and God Realization to some degree. So it is not just a matter of reading some manuals, it is a way of living with the aspired goal to realize God on a planetary level and then be able to step into Spiritual leadership to help others do the same so we can transform this planet into a Christed civilization.

Q: What is Wesak, and am I required to go to Wesak in Austria in order to take part in the I AM University?

A: To learn more about the origin, purpose and meaning of Wesak, please go to: “WHAT IS WESAK

It is not required to attend Wesak; however, it would be of great value to do so in order to enhance your Spiritual growth and acceleration. Dr Stone basically brought Wesak to the West. Today it is celebrated all over the world, not just in the East. The I AM University celebrates Wesak in Vienna’s Austria Center, adjacent to the United Nations. It is a Spiritual gathering of Light, Love and Power Workers around the world to celebrate Wesak, do Planetary World Service, meditate and much more. Wesak in Vienna is open to all who wish to participate. You do not have to be officially enrolled in the I AM University to participate. For more information on Wesak, please check out our section dedicated to Wesak HERE.

Q: When are channeled sessions helpful and how would I ever know which of the many options to select? Are these required or just optional? If I never did one, would I be at a disadvantage?

A: The channeled sessions are helpful tools for one’s Spiritual growth and progression on the path of Integrated Ascension. All of the sessions are helpful in many ways, Spiritually / psychologically / physically / Earthly speaking. You may choose whichever ones you are drawn to; however, they are not compulsory as part of the program, merely tools to help with your progression and to facilitate a rapport with Spirit and the Masters on various subjects as they relate to your consciousness and Spiritual growth.

Two sessions the I AM University highly recommends to any sincere Seeker on the Spiritual path are 1) channeled initiation, light quotient, integrated consciousness quotient and Ray reading, and 2) implant and negative elementals removal session. For an overview of sessions, please go to Channeled Sessions page HERE.

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