It was said by a wonderful spiritual teacher named Hilda Charlton that the ecstasy of God-union far surpasses any type of sexual union between man and woman. Being in my early twenties at the time, I was quite convinced that she was speaking purely metaphorically. I indeed had been blessed with "love unions” between myself, God and certain masters including Jesus/Sananda, Lord Maitreya, Krishna and Kuthumi. This most accurately could be described as a great and beatific heart expansion filled with overtones of "falling in love” again and again.
At that point, however, I had not experienced any type of physical sensation, much less one that could be likened to sexual orgasm. When Hilda talked about union with God, she said, "The ecstatic energies of God run up your spine and fill every cell of your body.” But I could in no way conceive of this being anything but a metaphor of expanding into the heart of God--until these energies began to flow within my own body!
I must admit, I was not at all prepared for what I experienced. The first time it happened, and for a good many years following, the point where I experienced these energies was in my heart chakra along my spine, directly behind the physical heart. Now what I am describing to you is not of a metaphorical nature. It was an experience of orgasm--but far more powerful than anything I had experienced--in the area of the back of the heart chakra. It was indeed everything that a second chakra sexual orgasm feels like, except that it occurred in the fourth chakra.
This is not to say that "expanding into the heart of God" does not equally bring one into a state of complete bliss, and this will be discussed later in this chapter. But Hilda was quite right in telling us that union with God far surpasses earthly sex. Ultimately, orgasm is experienced along the entire spine--with the head being the final point of climax!
What is actually occurring is very much related to the rising of one’s kundalini from the base of the spine to the top of the head. High frequencies are poured forth from the monad, or from certain planetary or cosmic masters. These energies activate the chakra system within the four lower bodies to bring about this ecstatic experience. For centuries, Eastern traditions have taught that each of us contains the blending of the Shiva/Shakti, yin/yang, masculine/feminine principles within ourselves. Ecstatic experiences are one way in which the union within ourselves manifests.
I want to emphasize that not everyone will have the same experience in this regard. Each one of us is constituted differently, so each person’s spiritual journey will be unique. This also applies to how the kundalini will move through your own four-body system. So if it does not happen in quite the fashion which I have described that does not mean that you have not achieved this or that level. You might very well have surpassed the level of one having these experiences, for your four-body system already may have acclimated to this type of vibrational frequency. Or this type of experience might manifest in a unique way with you.
However, for those of you who are experiencing this type of phenomena, I feel that it is quite helpful for you to read about it, for often it is quite unexpected. Each time that I had this type of ecstatic experience, it took some getting used to. One evening, I put on a tape of angelic music, lit some incense, put on a small night-light and intended to drift to sleep enveloped by the soft tones of angel songs. However, this was not to be the case.
When the music began, I immediately felt it go straight to my head area. I then began to experience what I can describe most accurately as wave after wave of orgasm generated within my head area. Even after my many and diverse experiences of this type, I admit to being a bit overcome. The music played on, and for fifteen to twenty minutes these waves of energy continued to flow. I sensed that the frequencies of the music were tapping into areas within my brain, uplifting me to the realms of bliss. This type of sensation often occurs when I am in deep meditation and/or listening within to the masters.
Please do not interpret this to be sexual in the usual sense. These experiences occur along the spinal column when certain frequencies of energies are released from the base of the spine, or when they are being incorporated into the physical/etheric body from either the monad, the masters or that indefinable essence we call God. And again, each body will assimilate these energies in its own unique way, so do not think that this is something that must be experienced by everyone. But if you do experience these sensations, it is always helpful to have some point of reference.
The universe is filled with a great many surprises, as it should be, since we are all upon the path of cosmic discovery. However, it is of equal value to share our experiences so that we may be better prepared for them, and have the ease of knowing that much of what we experience is, indeed, common to many lightworkers, especially those rapidly advancing upon the path of ascension.
Lost In love/Found In Love
One of the more common experiences is the feeling of being "in love" with God or a particular master or group of masters. Bhakti, or devotion is quite a common practice in India, where the objective is for the disciple to merge in love and devotion with his/her particular master. Thus the lover and the beloved eventually become as one. In the case of Krishna (Lord Maitreya) or of Sai Baba, it becomes immediately evident that to merge with them is indeed to merge with God. Again, this is not unlike the experience of the Christian who, in love and devotion, seeks to merge with the Christ and, therefore, with God.
Obviously, this type of merger and union is one of the heart, wherein the gender of that divine being who is upholding the sacred energy could be in either male or female form. There are many who take this path to its heights and depths with Lord Sai Baba who holds the highest light and love quotient ever manifested upon our planet. There are many who follow this bhakti path of devotion and merge with Mother Mary, and many who follow this path via the Christ. Some choose to focus on either the Divine Mother or the Divine Father aspect of God. The point is that if you find yourself in such a relationship with any of the planetary or cosmic masters, ultimately you will merge with the God you are. Your own divinity is what they are representing to you; and the embracing of that divinity within yourself is where they are leading you.
People who are devout followers of such a path, be it with an individual master or with God, are often referred to as being "God intoxicated." This is because the feeling that accompanies such utter love and devotion so fills the individual with the energies of Love Divine, that the person can appear to be drunk on love. If you seek experience of drunkenness, I would recommend this path most highly. Actually, this path usually comes to one because there is a great bonding that exists, and which has existed over many ages between master and disciple. It is actually a path that chooses you.
However, even as we are broadening our spectrum and seeking ever more and more the divine within ourselves, we too can experience a bit of the divine nectar of such holy love. We can take a moment to focus on a being who represents to us this divine quality, such as Sai Baba, Mother Mary or Lord Maitreya. We do need to shift our focus away from the true path to merging at more and more expansive levels within ourselves. But we can broaden our vistas to incorporate the intimate connecting with one or more masters in such divine union. It is quite a wonderful way to expand and further open the heartspace. The highest evolution of this path, however, will lead one back to one’s own inner and direct connection with God. Thus it will lead one to experiencing oneself as God.
The Marriage Of Minds
With our ascension process being as accelerated as it has become in recent times, many people are experiencing a mental overshadowing, telepathic linkage or merger between their own minds and the mind of a master or group of masters. Wisdom which has hitherto been unavailable to us now is being poured forth into our minds at lightning speed. This is one of the reasons there is such an abundance of channelers upon Earth today. Many individuals are being put into telepathic rapport with planetary and cosmic masters who, previously, had been unavailable to us. This is also true of the angelic kingdom, including, of course, the archangels themselves. And it applies also to certain groupings of positive extra-terrestrials, such as the Arcturians and the Ashtar Command.
Individuals are also coming into ever deeper levels of direct contact with their own souls and monads. Thus they are finding the rain cloud of unknowable things suddenly quite knowable. Looked at through the lens of relationship, there is a blending of minds between higher beings and higher aspects of ourselves that creates its own unique bond, union or marriage. So it is not only the heart, but also the mind that is involved in the consummate union between individualized soul, monad, master and God. There is, in effect, a divine merger, union or marriage between advancing and ascending humanity and God-- the likes of which our small planet has never known before!
One very interesting aspect of this merger, is the anchoring of the Avatar of Synthesis, or the 352 levels of the Mahatma, within all those that call forth this merger and anchoring. This Being is of such a vast and cosmic nature as to extend through all the levels of our existence up to the level of the Godhead Itself. But, of course, the cosmos is structured in the "Ask and ye shall receive mode.” So even a Being of the magnitude of the Mahatma waits to be invited by the individual before attempting to communicate with or to use that individual as a focal point of His divine energies.