Melchior is the Galactic Logos of our galaxy! Within our local Melchizedek Universe there are tens of millions of galaxies! There are infinite numbers of Universes as well! That is only one dimension of God. I think you are beginning to get a sense of how big God really is! In truth God is unfathomable!
Melchior is the Logos or President of our Galaxy! Within our Galaxy there are millions of solar systems! A good many of them containing life, although they are not necessarily of the same higher Adam Kadmon type of bodies we have! It could be said that in reality, each person is a logos for their own physical body! As one evolves, in a sense their body of identification grows! It moves from self, to family, community, city, state, country and to the whole planet! Then it moves to a Solar citizen identification, Galactic Citizen, Universal Citizen, multi-universal Citizen and Cosmic Citizen identification! Those in Spiritual Leadership have Spiritual Leadership not only for themselves, but also, in the case of Melchior, for an entire Galaxy! The Galaxy in a sense is his physical body! He is in charge of the evolution of all sentient beings in the entire Galaxy! Melchizedek the Universal Logos does this for the entire Universe!
Now the Masters told me an interesting thing yesterday! Often the soul or master who is the best prime candidate to take over the Logos position of a galaxy is the best solar logos of that particular galaxy! It does not always work out that way, but that is the first prime candidate who is considered! It is the same in our world. Take, for example, the United States Government. The individual who runs for president and usually wins the republican or democratic nomination, is the senator, congressman or governor who is the most qualified or thought most highly of!
Earth has not really awakened to its Galactic inhertance! The Earth has barely even awakened to its planetary Spiritual Government, let alone its Solar or Galactic Government! Lord Maitreya told me that in his position as Planetary Christ within the Office of the Christ, he goes to Galactic Meetings where all the different planets for our Solar System are represented! He has begun to take me to many of the meetings that go on in regards to Earth and other places as part of my training for this future position! He was sharing with me how much he learns when he goes to these meetings! Lord Maitreya told me that on occasion he even goes to Universal meetings conducted by Melchizedek, the Universal Logos and that person who holds the Office of the Christ Position at a Universal Level and Position! So the more one grows Spiritually the larger the Spiritual Leadership positions become!
One other interesting thing that Lord Maitreya told me about these Galactic Meetings is that he files reports to Helios and Vesta the Solar Logos, and to Melchior and Melchizedek regarding the evolution of the Earth, since he is the President of the Planet in a Spiritual sense! He also told me that he, Lord Maitreya, Lord Buddha, Allah Gobi and Saint Germain, petitioned at these Galactic Core Meetings and even Universal Meetings for help! For in the higher worlds it is not like it is here on Earth! On our planet it is pretty much every man for himself, and there is no sharing! Just the opposite is true in the higher worlds! Lord Maitreya, Lord Buddha and the other Masters I mentioned petitioned for help to the Galactic Logos and Councils and Universal Logos and Councils! For it was clearly seen that Earth was one of the weakest links in the entire Galaxy! The entire Galaxy cannot ascend if planets such as Earth do not do their part! So extra help was sent from all over the Universe and Galaxy to see if they could help in awakening the Earth! That is why so much attention is being focused on the Earth! Kind of pathetic wouldn’t you say, that Earth is the weak link of the Galaxy! It is our collective job to change that! It is now time for all of us to not only get in touch more with our Planetary Spiritual Government of Ascended Masters, but all the work of the great Helios and Vesta, Melchior and Melchizedek the Universal Logos! It is time for Earthlings to step up to the plate and stop holding up the evolution of the Solar system, Galaxy and Universe! The Earth is a focal point in the galaxy and Universe because it is such a weak link! The Solar System, Galaxy and even Universe cannot complete their Divine Plans if Earth doesn’t get their act together! We all have a responsibility not just to ourselves and our planet, but also to our Solar System, Galaxy and Universe! It is time for Earthlings to stop seeing life from such small lenses, and from such a limited, self centered and egocentric lense!