April 11th- April 17th 2008
Ascension Class Topic and Theme for the Week:
I AM University Ascension Class Structure:
A) Opening Your Ascension Class
B) Study Class and Discussion of the Week
C) Ascension Activation Meditation of the Week
D) I AM University Project of the Week
E) Closing Your Ascension Class
A) Opening Your Ascension Class
This takes about 10 minutes
- Burning Pot
- Holding Hands Resonation
- Establishment of Ascension Column and Pillar of Light
- Platinum Net
- Axiatonal Alignment
- Invocation of the Ascension Plane Flame
- Invocation of the Soul and Monadic Mantrum
- Establishment of Golden Dome of Protection of Archangel Michael
- Reciting of the Great Invocation together
- Reciting of three Oms out loud together
Burning Pot
The burning pot I would recommend setting up about 5 minutes before you are actually going to start the class officially. Everyone will be seated and in the center of the room will be a hot plate on the floor. On the hot plate will be a little metal pot. In the pot you will pour about a quarter of an inch of Epsom salt. As you are about to begin, pour not more than half an inch of rubbing alcohol over the Epsom salt. When everyone is quiet throw a match into the rubbing alcohol. It will burn for about 5 minutes and it will burn up all the etheric, astral and mental negative energy in the atmosphere. I call this the New Age campfire. I guarantee that everyone in your group will love it. Explain to everyone the effect that the burning pot has. I would also recommend at this time lighting some sage or incense.
Holding Hands Resonation
When the burning pot burns out, the entire room will be extremely clear in terms of the spiritual atmosphere. Then guide the group to hold hands, be it two people or twelve or one hundred, and for one minute have everyone hold hands and connect with each other’s heart chakras as they are doing this. This will serve to unify the entire group instantly into a group consciousness.
The Establishment of the Ascension Column and Pillar of Light
The next step in the class is to call forth to the Planetary and Cosmic Spiritual Hierarchy for the establishment and activation of a gigantic ascension column to be set up in the room in which you are holding the class. Ask that this ascension column be connected also to a gigantic pillar of light and be connected to your group’s planetary and cosmic antakarana which is the tube of light that connects you with your Monad and GOD.
The Platinum Net
Call forth to Melchizedek, the Mahatma and Metatron to bring forth the platinum net, down through the entire group and your home. Platinum is the highest frequency color available to Earth. The only frequency higher is the clear light of GOD, which has no color. The platinum net will clear the entire group and your home of all negative and imbalanced energies on all levels.
Invoking an Axiatonal Alignment
The next step in the class is to call forth again from the Planetary and Cosmic Hierarchy for a planetary and cosmic axiatonal alignment. The axiatonal alignment will serve to balance all the meridians of each individual and the entire group, and also serve to instantly align the group energy with GOD and the Spiritual Hierarchy’s consciousness on all levels.
The Invocation of the Ascension Flame
The next step in the class is to call forth to the Spiritual Hierarchy and Inner Plane Ascended Masters for the anchoring and activation of the golden white ascension flame. Upon invocation you will instantly feel and even see this energy coming in.
Invocation to the Spiritual and Cosmic Hierarchy
The next step in the class is to call forth to the entire Spiritual and Cosmic Hierarchy to now join your class. Ask that, within Divine order, the appropriate Master to overlight this particular class to please step forward. If there are particular Masters who you are connected with, this is also the time to call these Masters forward. If you like you can also suggest to the group members to call forth the Masters that they would like to be present to help with this class or discussion.
Upgraded Trinity Mantra
The original soul mantrum was brought forth to the Earth through the channelings of Alice Bailey of the Ascended Master Djwhal Khul. This is one of the most profound mantrums on the entire planet and should be recited every time spiritual work of some kind is about to be ignited. The I AM University has channeled and brought through the Upgrated Aquarian Age Trinity Mantra for this life wave:
Invocation of Golden Dome of Protection
The next step in the class is to call forth the golden dome of protection for this group by Archangel Michael and his legion of angels. Archangel Michael serves on the First Ray and has a specific function in God’s Divine plan of providing protection. You also might request protection for each member of the group in their spiritual paths and service work.
Invocation of the Great Invocation
The original version of the Great Invocation was bought forth by Lord Maitreya, the Planetary Christ in around 1945 or 1950. It is one of the most powerful prayers that has ever be given to lightworkers and the New Group of World Servers. The I AM University has channeled the new Upgraded Higher Octave Aquarian Age Great Invocation:
The New Higher Octave "Great Invocation" for the Aquarian Age by Lord Maitreya
From the Flame of Wisdom that burns at the Altar of the Holy Spirit,
Let Wisdom pour forth into the Wisdom Chamber of the Threefold Flame burning in the Bosom of Women and Men,
Let the Wisdom of the Holy Spirit enfold the Earth!
From the Flame of Love that burns at the Altar of Christ,
Let Love pour forth into the Love Chamber of the Threefold Flame
Burning in the Bosom of Women and Men,
Let the Love of Christ return to Earth!
From the Flame of Will and Power that burns at the Altar of God,
Let the Will of God pour forth into the Will and Power Chamber
Of the Threefold Flame burning in the Bosom of Women and Men,
Let the Will of God be made manifest on Earth!
From the Threefold Hearts of God’s Sons and Daughters sent to
Earth to bring Heaven to Earth,
Let the minds of men think only the Thoughts of God!
Let the Hearts of men give only the Love of Christ!
Let the hands of men be only the activity of the Holy Spirit on Earth!
Let God and Christ and the Holy Spirit restore the Divine Plan on Earth!
Recite Three Oms
Optional Specialized Prayer for this week is:
Moses’ Next Higher Octave Aquarian Age Ten Commandments For the Next 2000 Year Cycle!
- Own your personal power, self mastery, and self discipline!
- Be a master rather than a victim! Be a cause rather than an effect!
- Develop and refine your consciousness as your premiere spiritual practice!
- Transcend negative ego/fear based/separate thinking and feeling and replace it with spiritual/Christ/Buddha/ thinking and feeling in an integrated and balanced way!
- Strive to be right with self first, then strive to be right with God and then right with all others!
- Love yourself and love your inner child and love the Lord thy God, with all your heart and soul and mind and might and love your neighbor as you love yourself!
- Pray and meditate constantly!
- Service is the law of life!
- Have preferences rather than attachments!
- Transcend negative ego duality and remain evenminded in profit or loss, pleasure or pain, sickness or health, victory or defeat, praise or criticism!
B) Study Class and Discussion of the Week
Before we read this week’s Chapter to study, we call forth:
Beloved Presence of God, Christ, the Holy Spirit, Cosmic Council of Twelve, Twenty-Four Elders that surround the Throne of Grace, the Mahatma, Melchizedek, Metatron, Archangels Michael and Faith, all Elohim Councils of the Light of God, Archangels of the Tree of Life, all the Archangels and Angels of the Light of God, Hyos Ha Kodoish, Paradise Sons, all The Monads and Oversouls of the six billion Souls incarnated on Earth at this time, Great Divine Director, Melchior, Lord and Lady of Sirius, Lenduce, Vywamus, Lord and Lady of Arcturus and The Arcturians, Sanat Kumara, Atlanto, Adonis, Archangel Sandalphon, Helios and Vesta, Ashtar and the Asthar Command, Archangels Jophiel and Christine, Chamuel and Charity, Gabriel and Hope, Raphael and Mother Mary, Uriel and Aurora, Zadkiel and Amethyst, Elohim Hercules and Amazonia, Apollo and Lumina, Heros and Amora, Purity and Astrea, Cyclopia and Virginia, Peace and Aloha, Arcturus and Victoria, Mahachohan, Allah Gobi, Lord Buddha, Babaji, Yogananda, Sri Yukteswar, Lahiri Mahasaya, Earlyne Chaney, Robert Chaney, Zoser, Dr. Lorphan and all The Galactic Healers, Platinum Angels, Sai Baba, Rama, Krishna, Lady Masters, Lady Helena, Alice Bailey, Isis, Horus, Osiris, Quan Yin, Pallas Athena, Portia, Vista, Lady Nada, Lakshmi, the Six Buddhas of Activity, El Morya, Kuthumi, Lord Maitreya, Djwhal Khul, Office of the Christ, Office of The Divine Mother, all Initiates and Disciples from the Synthesis Ashram and all Seven Ray Ahsrams of the Christ, Serapis Bey, Paul the Venetian, Hilarion, Sananda, Saint Germain, Eagle Command, Celestial Command, Order of the Golden Robe, the Mountain of Mt. Shasta, the Earth Mother, Dolphins and Whales, Pan, Animal Kingdom, Plant Kingdom, Mineral Kingdom, the Devic and Nature Spirits, the Elemental Kingdom, Ganesha, the Manifestation Council, Divine Mother, Silent Watcher of the Cosmos, Lady of the Sun, Lady Liberty, Lady of the Light, the Native American Master Elders, Hanuman, Multi-Universal Logos, Interplanetary Confederation of Love and Light, the Extraterrestrial Guardian Alliance, Tribunal Council of the Galactic Command, the Goddess Lodge, the Christed ET Lodge, the Eastern Masters Lodge, the Occult Western Lodge, the Entire Planetary and Cosmic Hierarchy, the Core Group and Friends