Let us begin by closing our eyes.
We now call forth GOD, Christ, and the Holy Spirit as well as the entire Cosmic and Planetary Hierarchy to help with this meditation.
We begin by calling forth a Cosmic “pillar of light” from the beloved Presence of GOD.
We call forth the Divine Mother and the Divine Father to balance the energies in the room and of all in attendance.
We call forth Melchizedek, the Mahatma, and Archangel Metatron to bring forth the Platinum Net through all in attendance.
We call forth Archangels Michael and Faith to place around this room and all in attendance a “golden dome of light of protection.”
We formally begin this meditation by grounding ourselves into the Physical Body of GOD.
We do this by calling forth the Cosmic Mother of GOD’s infinite Physical Universe and our Planetary Earth Mother.
We also call forth Archangel Sandalphon, Pan, and the mountain of Mt. Shasta, to help us now collectively establish a grounding cord down through our spine into the center of the earth.
Feel this grounding cord of GOD moving down into the very granite core of the earth and establish itself there unshakably like the Sword of Excalibur.
Feel now, with the help of these beloved Masters, roots growing out of your feet into the earth.
Feel these roots, with the help of the Cosmic and Planetary Earth Mother, grow at a rapid rate like a gigantic Cosmic Tree of Life that is firmly and unshakably planted into the earth.
Breathe now your love through your grounding cord and roots, into your feet and into the very center of Mother Earth.
Now feel Mother Earth breathe her love back through your grounding cord and roots into your feet, up through your physical body, igniting the Three-Fold Flame in your Heart Chakra.
Firmly now connected and attuned to GOD’s Physical Body, we now begin our ascension and climb up through the “Seven Chakras of GOD.”
This process begins with the beloved Presence of GOD, Christ, and the Holy Spirit sending down through GOD’s Pillar of Light what can only be described as “The Merkabah of GOD.”
This Merkabah is made of such a fine and sublime sacred geometry that words do not suffice to describe it.
Feel GOD’s Merkabah, also known as the “Merkabah of the Trinity of GOD,” descend now collectively upon this esteemed group gathered here.
Feel the Merkabah begin to rise and lift us into the First Chakra of GOD, while simultaneously still keeping our connection to the Physical Body of GOD.
GOD’s First Chakra is like an enormous “Cathedral of Light, Love and Power” stretching through infinity.
In GOD’s First Chakra there is a faint reddish-pink color and light pervading this entire infinite cathedral.
In the background can be seen and heard choirs of Angels singing the glory of GOD to the “Music of the Spheres.”
Here we are met by all the Archangels, Angels, Elohim, Elementals, Devas, Plant Spirits, Nature Spirits, Earth Spirits, Gnomes, Sylphs, Salamanders, and Undines connected with the Material Universe of GOD.
This cathedral is so magnificent it defies description. It is filled with the crystals of the Twelve Rays of GOD and of the Ten Lost Cosmic Rays of GOD.
Every color can be seen, ordaining the actual cathedral which is infinite in size.
It is here that GOD, Christ, and the Holy Spirit now merge their First Chakra with our First Chakra on a permanent basis, so they are forever more one in consciousness.
If you would like to receive this blessing, be still and receive this blessing now!
As this occurs, GOD’s Merkabah now lifts us into His Second Chakra and cathedral.
This cathedral is even more beautiful and spectacular than the previous one, and is pervaded by an orange glow that spreads out infinitely.
Again, the cathedral is made of crystals and gemstones of all the colors of GOD.
Here the Divine Mother, all the Lady Archangels, Lady Elohim and Lady Masters step forward led by Mother Mary, Kuan Yin and Isis, to name a few.
The Divine Mother and these beloved Masters step forward as representatives of GOD to help now in the process of merging and integrating GOD’s Second Chakra perfectly into our own on a permanent basis.
If you would like to receive this blessing, be still and receive this blessing now!
As this great blessing occurs, GOD’s Merkabah lifts us into His Third Chakra and cathedral of Light, Love and Power.
This great crystal cathedral, spanning infinitely through time and space, is colored with a tinge of beautiful yellow, like the sun.
Here we are met by Lord Buddha, Lord Maitreya, Saint Germain, Allah Gobi, the Seven Chohans, Djwhal Khul, Helios and Vesta, and all the Planetary and Solar Masters of the Planetary and Cosmic Hierarchy.
With all the Archangels, Angels, and Elohim Masters looking on, these beloved Masters help this group, and each person individually, merge your Third Chakra with the Third Chakra of GOD.
If you would like to receive this blessing, be still and receive this blessing now!
As this great blessing occurs, we now move in GOD’s Merkabah into GOD’s Fourth Chakra also known as GOD’s Heart Chakra.
In this incredibly magnificent crystal cathedral, there is a tinge of emerald-green light pervading this infinite holy sanctuary.
The Light and Love here is so sublime and beautiful, it is almost intoxicating.
The Holy Spirit asks us now to be completely silent and still so we may listen and attune to the “Heartbeat of GOD…”
By doing this in this moment, we are attuning to the actual heartbeat of the infinite, multi-dimensional Omniverse of GOD.
Stepping forward now as representatives for GOD’s Heart Chakra are the Divine Mother, His Holiness the Lord Sai Baba, Lord Maitreya, Sananda, Paul the Venetian, Mother Mary, Kuan Yin and Isis.
These beloved Masters step forward to help us now merge, blend and integrate our Heart Chakra and heartbeat with GOD’s Heart Chakra and heartbeat.
If you would like to receive this blessing, be still and receive this blessing now!
As we receive this blessing, GOD, Christ, and the Holy Spirit’s Merkabah lifts us even higher into GOD’s Fifth Chakra and cathedral.
This infinite crystal cathedral is pervaded by the color light blue; like the sky on a beautiful, clear summer day.
This magnificent crystal cathedral with all the colors of the rainbow, shimmers with this beautiful blue color in its reflection.
In this wondrous cathedral and Fifth Chakra of GOD, we are met by Melchior, Vywamus, the Lord of Sirius, the Lord and Lady of Arcturus and the Arcturians, Sanat Kumara, Lenduce, Commander Ashtar and the Ashtar Command, and all the Galactic Masters of the Cosmic Hierarchy.
These beloved Masters as representatives of GOD, now step forward to help us completely merge and integrate our Fifth Chakra with the Fifth Chakra of GOD.
If you would like to receive this blessing, be still and receive this blessing now!
As this great blessing takes place, we are now lifted by GOD’s Merkabah into GOD’s Sixth Chakra and crystal cathedral of Light, Love, and Power.
This crystal cathedral of Light, Love, and Power, and Sixth Chakra of GOD, also known as the Third Eye of GOD, is tinged with the color indigo.
The most exquisitely colored indigo crystals and clouds color the infinite panorama of this cathedral.
Stepping forward as representatives of GOD in this cathedral are His Holiness Lord Melchizedek, all the Archangels connected with Earth’s evolution, and all the Elohim Councils connected with Earth’s evolution.
These beloved Masters offer their assistance in helping us to now merge our Sixth Chakra with the Sixth Chakra of GOD.
If you would like to receive this blessing, be still and receive this blessing now!
GOD’s Merkabah now lifts us even higher still into GOD’s Crown Chakra and crystal cathedral of Light, Love, and Power.
Here we are bathed in the most beautiful violet light you have ever seen or experienced.
The cathedral is made of beautiful amethyst crystal, interspersed with gemstones of all the colors of the Rays.
In the violet clouds and sun can be seen the Angels, Seraphim, and Cherubim, dancing and singing to the “Music of the Spheres.”
Stepping forward here are the Twenty-Four Elders of Light, and the Twelve Cosmic Logoi and/or Cosmic Ray Masters, the Mahatma, Archangel Metatron, Archangels Michael and Faith, all the Archangels, Elohim Councils and the entire Cosmic and Planetary Hierarchy.
They collectively offer their assistance now in helping us to merge our Seventh or Crown Chakra, with the Seventh or Crown Chakra of GOD.
If you would like to receive this blessing, be still and receive this blessing now!
Beloved brothers and sisters, we have now, by the Grace of GOD, Christ, and the Holy Spirit, and the Cosmic and Planetary Hierarchy, merged, integrated and perfectly aligned on a permanent basis our seven basic chakras with the seven Cosmic Chakras of GOD, Christ, and the Holy Spirit!