The term Star People was popularized by two books written by the well known metaphysical author, Brad Steiger and his wife Sherry Hansen Steiger. They wrote two books, one called "Star People", and another called "Starborn". The term Starborn refers to the feeling and knowingness by some people that they have come to earth from another planet or star system.
Now it is important to understand here that everyone on planet Earth is an extraterrestrial, in the sense that we all came from heaven or God, and are all just visiting here. Even though this is the case, some people’s past life history is more centered in the school house called Earth, and other people have been a part of other schools in the cosmos first. One is not better than another, they are just different pathways people have taken on their way back to the Creator.
Many of the star people have memories of these other star systems and/or experiences with other UFO beings. Almost all these people saw themselves as here to be of service to mankind as we move into the new age. If the definition of star born includes having lifetimes on other dimensions of reality as Brad Steiger seems to indicate, then, in truth, every person on earth is a Star person.
Brad Steiger tells in his book, "Starborn", that he borrowed the term star people from the traditional Native American Indians. They believed that the stars are the residences of spiritual beings who have a connection with the people on Earth.
Brad Steiger began to make a list of some of the qualities of star people that he found in his investigations. Some of these qualities and characteristics are as follows:
- Eyes with an extremely compelling quality.
- Great magnetism and personal charisma.
- Very sensitive to electricity and electromagnetic fields.
- Very sharp hearing.
- Lower than normal body temperature.
- A high percentage have an extra or transitional vertebrae.
- At a young age, some kind of extraterrestrial, religious, or mystical experience.
- A tremendous sense or urgency to fulfill one’s mission.
- 65% were female and 35% male.
- 90% have experienced a oneness with the universe.
In Brad Steiger’s book, "Star Born", he has compiled some interesting statistics on star people from the extensive research he has done with his questionnaires. The following statistics I have extracted from his book for your amusement and edification. Much thanks to Brad Steiger for his most interesting research. In the paired percentages below, the first number indicates the survey reponses in 1983; the second, the update taken in 1990.
Chronic sinusitis - 83%/94%
Extra or transitional vertebrae - 32%/34%
Unusual blood types - 28%/26%
Lower than normal body temperature - 92%/88%
Low blood pressure - 75%/70%
Hypersensitivity to sound, light, odors, etc - 97%/70%
Swollen or painful joints - -87%/70%
Pain in the back of the neck - 93%/73%
Adversely affected by high humidity - 84%/70%
Have difficulty in expressing or dealing with emotions - 74%/71%
Experience a persistent feeling of great urgency to accomplish one’s mission - 85%/92%
74% report out-of-body experiences.
57% claim the ability to perceive auras.
63% have experienced a white light during meditation.
50% have been able to accomplish dramatic healings of themselves or others.
38% practice automatic writing.
55% believe that they have received some form of communication from a higher intelligence.
60% have perceived spirit entities.
55% have experienced clairvoyance.
57% have made prophetic statements or experienced prophetic dreams or visions that have come to pass.
38% report the visitation of an angel.
37% reveal the manifestation of a Light Being.
35% feel that they have been blessed by the appearance of a Holy Figure.
50% are convinced that they have a spirit guide or a guardian angel.
40% admit to having had an invisible playmate as a child.
20% state that they once spotted an elf, a "wee person".
14% have witnessed the activities of the fairy folk, the "gentry".
34% are certain that they have encountered alien entities of an extraterrestrial or multidimensional nature.
55% report an intense religious experience.
72% claim an illumination experience.
90% have experienced telepathic communication with another entity, material or nonmaterial, human or alien.
48% are convinced that they have seen a ghost.
42% have perceived the spirit of a departed loved one.
67% accept reincarnation as reality and have experienced prior-life memories.
As we have already observed, 78% believe that they have lived a prior existence on another planet or in another dimension.
37% have survived a life-threatening illness:
34% have been involved in a severe accident; and
55% have had a near-death experience.
In the fall of 1988, the editors of "Better Homes and Gardens" did a survey in their magazine on the subject of religion and spirituality. This survey had nothing to do with the subject of star people, however, I thought you might find their results interesting. Their magazine reaches 36 million readers each month. The most that had ever responded to a survey they did was 25,000. This survey drew a response of 80,000 people, and more than 10,000 attached thoughtful letters. Their results as listed in Brad Steiger’s book, "Star Born" were as follows. (It must be said that this was not a scientific poll, but still clearly significant.)
89% believe in eternal life.
87% envision a heaven, but only 80% expect hell.
86% believe in miracles.
80% accept that prayer and meditation can lead to miraculous cures for diseases.
73% believe that it is possible to receive direct communication from God.
30% perceive of an astral realm
13% accept that it is possible to channel messages from the spirit world.
11% say that they believe in the reality of reincarnation.
Brad Steiger also told of a Gallup Poll that was done around 1990 that was more scientifically accurate in terms of polling and the following results were found.
43% claimed to have undergone an unusual spiritual experience.
15% had a near-death experience.
46% accept the possibility of life on other planets.
23% believe in reincarnation.
71% expect life after death.
95% believe in God or a Universal Spirit.
Father Andrew Greeley, who holds a Ph.D. in sociology, together with colleagues at the University of Chicago, released the following polling data in the 1987 issue of American Health as also described in Brad Steiger’s book.
42% of the adult population in the United States believe that they have been in contact with the dead, usually a deceased spouse or sibling.
29% have visions.
67% have experienced some manifestation of ESP.
73% believe in life after death.
68% perceive the afterlife to be Paradise; and
74% expect to be reunited with their loved ones after death.