"The single most important quality to achieving psychological and spiritual health is learning to own your personal power." Dr. Joshua David Stone
The conscious mind is the reasoning mind, whereas the subconscious mind is the non-reasoning mind. The superconscious mind is the all-knowing mind. Another metaphor is that the conscious mind is the captain of the ship, computer programmer, decision maker, gardener. If the conscious mind is the captain, then the subconscious mind is the shipmate below the deck who follows whatever orders the captain gives. The subconscious mind is the computer or tape recorder.
Thirdly, the subconscious mind is the soil. If the conscious mind is the gardener, the gardener plants the seeds (thoughts), and the soil grows whatever kind of seed is planted, be it a weed or a beautiful flower. The subconscious mind will store information and follow orders whether the orders are rational or irrational. The subconscious mind doesn’t care, as it has absolutely no reasoning ability.
The subconscious mind is a paradox. It has no reasoning and yet it has an incredible number of amazing abilities and intelligence factors. The best metaphor to understand this is the computer analogy. A computer is an incredible piece of equipment, yet it doesn’t care whether it’s programmed to solve the energy crisis or to create a nuclear war. It has the intelligence to do either job efficiently, but doesn’t have the reasoning to not want to create nuclear war
The subconscious does whatever it is programmed to do, no matter what. A good example is that the subconscious mind completely operates and runs the physical body. This can be proven by the effects of hypnotic suggestions given to a person concerning the body.
The only problem is that the subconscious mind is as happy to destroy the body as it is to create perfect health. The subconscious mind has the intelligence to create perfect health or create cancer. It will create whatever it is programmed to do.
No one consciously programs cancer, but many people unconsciously program cancer into their bodies with self-hatred, victim consciousness, revenge, giving up, and so on. The idea is that you want to tell yourself or your subconscious mind constantly that you are in perfect radiant health and that every day in every way you are getting healthier and healthier.
The subconscious mind works entirely separate from the functioning of the conscious mind. It works 24 hours a day, seven days a week, 365 days a year, while you are sleeping and awake, and never gets tired. It is constantly doing whatever it has been programmed to do.
Intelligence Factor of the Subconscious Mind
The basic function of the subconscious mind is to store information. It is the storehouse and memory bank of all our thoughts, feelings, emotions, imagination, habit patterns, impulses and desires. From the time we have been little infants, we have been programmed by our parents, grandparents, television, peers, teachers, ministers, and extended family.
As little children we are all victims. By this, I mean that children’s reasoning minds have not developed enough to be able to discriminate and protect them from negative programming. As little children we were totally open. Our subconscious minds are filled with mental poisons, faulty thinking and faulty beliefs. Just as the body can be filled with physical toxins from poor eating, the subconscious is filled with mental toxins from improper programming and education.
This book will teach you how to get rid of the faulty thinking in the subconscious mind and how to reprogram it with new positive spiritual programming. For now, however, let’s continue with delineating the intelligence factor of the subconscious mind. The subconscious mind also creates our dreams every night. There are occasions when the super consciousness creates dreams. However, most dreams are created by the subconscious mind. A dream is basically a mirror of the way we think, feel, and act during our conscious daily life. A dream is like a newspaper we receive every night, depicting the organization and dynamics of our internal energies.
The only difference between dreams and a real newspaper is that dreams are in the universal language of symbols. To understand our dreams is to understand that every part of our dream is, in reality, a part of us. By examining the relationship of the symbols we can gain insight and understanding of the patterns that are manifesting in our lives.
A dream is an automatic process that the subconscious mind brings to us as feedback. This feedback is essential because very often we are all manifesting patterns in our lives that we are not consciously aware we are manifesting.
The subconscious mind can also be termed the habit mind. It stores all our habits, both positive and negative. A lot of people think habits are bad. This is not true. We want to get rid of only bad habits. Ideally we want to strive to create good habits.
A good example of this is learning to drive a stick shift car. When we first learn how, it takes a lot of conscious effort and will power. After we learn how, it becomes automatic. If we didn’t have a subconscious mind to store our developed abilities, it would always take great focus and concentration.
There is a basic psychological or metaphysical law that states that it takes twenty-one days to cement a new habit into the subconscious mind. You can learn something in a day, but to make a habit in the subconscious mind takes twenty-one days. This ability by the subconscious mind of storing habits allows us to grow continually and develop new abilities without worrying about old ones.
The subconscious mind is where the Law of Magnetism and Attraction operates. The subconscious mind is continually attracting and repelling things to and from us according to what has been programmed into it. A master is someone who uses this law to his own conscious benefit.
Lets take the example of money and prosperity. If you have the belief in your subconscious mind that you will never have money, you won’t. If, on the other hand, you think you will, the subconscious mind will attract those opportunities and possibilities to you. Whatever you want in life, all you have to do is affirm or visualize this into the subconscious mind, and the subconscious mind will attract and magnetize it to you.
Carl Jung spoke of this when he talked about the collective unconscious. The subconscious mind is interconnected with all other subconscious minds. You might say that all the sons and daughters of God have one great subconscious mind.
The subconscious mind also has the ability to sense radiations of energy. We all automatically use this ability in our daily lives. This ability can be specifically used in areas such as water dowsing, or water witching. The subconscious can be programmed to search for any physical substance, not just water. It can sense the radiation of energy of any substance for which it is programmed to search.
The subconscious mind is also the seat of our psychic abilities. The subconscious has five inner senses that are the subtler counterparts of our five external senses: Inner sight (clairvoyance), inner hearing (clairaudience), inner smell, inner taste, and inner touch.
Have you ever noticed that when you dream you have your five senses available to you? How can this be if you are sleeping? This is because you are utilizing your five inner senses of the subconscious mind. All people have psychic abilities and can develop them further. It is just a matter of practice and proper training as with any external ability.
How the Conscious Mind Works in Relationship to the Subconscious Mind
The key function of the conscious mind is to be the computer programmer, protector and master of the subconscious mind. The subconscious mind is meant to be the servant or servomechanism of the conscious mind. Most people, not understanding these psychological laws, let their subconscious mind run them. When this happens, people become victims and start having a lot of problems.
The subconscious mind was never meant to direct your life. It will run you into oblivion if you let it, not because it is bad, but because it has no reasoning. In and of itself it is divine. Why would you let a non reasoning mind run your life? Strangely enough, this is what most people do.
The ideal is that every time a thought, feeling, or impulse arises out of the subconscious mind, it should be checked or rationalized. You might imagine an inner gate or inner bubble that protects you from your own subconscious mind. When a thought or feeling or impulse arises, it is the job of the conscious mind to use its powers of reasoning, discernment and discrimination to check that thought at the gate. If the thought or impulse is positive and spiritual, you let it into your mind. If it is negative, you push it out.
Psychological health is the process of letting into your mind positive spiritual balanced thoughts. Psychological health is like physical health. If you want to be physically healthy you put good healthful food into your body. If you want to be psychologically healthy you put good healthful thoughts into your mind.
By pushing the negative thoughts out of your mind, you are refusing them energy. This is much like a plant that is not being watered. It eventually withers and dies from lack of water (attention and focus). The second step is to affirm the opposite positive thought or spiritual thought. This is called positive thinking and the use of positive affirmations.