Involvement In Earth Life
Golden Key Number 355-Being Involved In Earth Life
This golden key is my commitment to “live in the marketplace"--To live in the world and get involved with Earth life. There is the tendency among many spiritual people to detach from Earth life and this is not good. The ideal is to bring heaven to Earth. Get involved in community activities, your spiritual community and volunteer work. As Jesus said in A Course in Miracles, "One’s true church is helping one’s brothers and sisters.” A commitment to such an ideal creates grounding of the spiritual energies which is extremely important both in being balanced and in realizing your ascension. The ideal is to be God on Earth. Ascension is really descension of the monad or I Am Presence.
Golden Key Number 356--Planetary Ecology
The next golden key relates to ecology on an environmental level. Not polluting one’s physical body would be a type of personal ecology. This applies to diet, exercise, cleanliness, proper grooming and using natural products for personal care. On the environmental level this includes using biodegradable products, recycling and not wasting energy. We are the microcosm within the macrocosm. As one expands one’s identity, one begins to become all people, animals, plants, minerals and the Earth herself. This is the effect of ending negative ego separative consciousness and embracing Christ/Buddha consciousness. This also applies to supporting political candidates who are environmentally conscious. I consider this issue one of the grounded aspects of the spiritual path.
Golden Key Number 357--Involvement In Politics And World Affairs
This golden key is a commitment to be involved with what is going on politically in this world. There is a tendency among some lightworkers to ignore politics and this is understandable. In politics we often see people being run by the negative ego to a large extent. Much of the time it is Republicans versus Democrats and gridlock as usual. Even though this is the case, this area of life is not going to change unless lightworkers get involved. Everyone can’t run for political office, but we all can vote, help raise people’s consciousness, become politically aware and volunteer to help the candidates of our choice.
Djwhal Khul has suggested that we read newspapers and watch the news every day. This is something I did already; however I found it interesting that he would make such a request. Look how involved Gandhi got in the politics of India and what a spiritual man he was. If we don’t take the time to vote then we deserve the candidates we get. Spirituality for too long has been cut off from the earthly world. The true spiritual path is bringing heaven to Earth. This is why even when you complete your ascension initiation you will remain on Earth and continue to serve. To live at this time in Earth’s history I feel is quite extraordinary, and I feel privileged to be incarnated at this time.
Characteristics Of Effective Leaders
Golden Key Number 358--Self Leadership
This golden key has been the recognition of what I might call “self-leadership.” One cannot become an effective leader for others until one has become an effective leader over self. When we can lead our own subconscious mind, personality, inner child, mental body, emotional body, physical body and sub-personalities in an integrated, firm and love manner then we are ready to lead others on a large scale.
Golden Key Number 359--Types Of Leadership
The next golden key has been the recognition that there are two kinds of leadership. There is spiritual leadership and egotistical leadership. Being in a position of leadership does not make a person a good leader. This applies to spiritual people as well. Hitler was a leader in service of the Dark Brotherhood. There are people who are leaders of businesses but treat their employees badly. Strive to be an effective Christed leader over self and with others. In the Hierarchy there are leaders at each level who are responsible for the cosmos. However they strive for consensus as much as possible. In this regard there is an appropriate blending between individual and consensus decision-making. The effective leader needs to be in harmony with those s/he leads, while retaining the authority to execute appropriate leadership.
Golden Key Number 360--Everyone Is A Leader
This golden key is the understanding that everyone is a leader, just as everyone is a teacher of God. Leadership begins with self and then extends to family, friends, business associates and community. When people are ready, their leadership arena may expand to state, country and global levels. As you prove yourself at each level you will be given, by God and the masters, greater leadership responsibilities. One other interesting place where we exert leadership is over our soul extensions from our oversoul and monad. The ultimate ideal on a personal level is to become a teacher for your oversoul and a leader for all of your 144 soul extensions from your monadic family.
Golden Key Number 361--Balance Friendship And Firmness In Leadership
The next golden key was learning the importance of balancing decisiveness with friendship when in a leadership role. The ideal is to be able to be both a friend and a firm leader as needed. This is a very important psychodynamic to integrate properly.
Golden Key Number 362--Leadership Must Be Earned
The next golden key is the understanding that leadership must be earned. Just because one finds oneself in a leadership position--in life, business, government or other group--doesn’t mean a person is truly ready to lead others. True spiritual leadership is earned through long years of selfless service and commitment to ones spiritual ideals.
Golden Key Number 363--Dealing With All Kinds Of People
This golden key has been learning how to deal with all kinds of people. This is probably the most important skill for becoming an effective spiritual leader. When working in a spiritual community or in daily life, we constantly are given the challenge of dealing with all kinds of people who exhibit a wide range of spiritual development and clarity. To be an effective leader it is also important to be able to relate to people from many different cultures and backgrounds.
The Pursuit Of Excellence And Development Of Leadership Skills
Golden Key Number 364-- Committing To Excellence
The next golden key is what I call the “pursuit of excellence.” This might be described as a spiritual vow on my part to be the best that I can be in all areas of my life without getting into competition or comparing myself with others. It is a pursuit of excellence within myself. It is a commitment not to be lazy or let down in any area, but to hold firm to my Godly ideals.
Golden Key Number 365--Taking Risks: Living On The Edge
The next golden key has been a great commitment on my part to take risks and live somewhat on the edge. For example when I did my first Wesak celebration in Mt. Shasta in 1995 for 350 people, that was a bit of a stretch, for I had not done a whole weekend event with that many people before. But I was certainly more than prepared for such work, and the masters were pushing me to step out full force on a global level.
The next year I wanted to expand my limits even further, so I set up the Wesak for 1200 people. I will expand the size of the event even more, if this is the will of the masters. This is what I mean by taking a risk and pressing one’s limits. The risks I am talking about here include not only speaking in front of large groups of people, but also the financial risk involved from the great expense of advertising and hosting such an event.
Throughout my life I have lived a little on the edge. I have moved and changed my life and relationships many times when my intuition and the masters have guided me to do so. What is the saying--“Much risked much gained.” This again has to do with a certain spiritual vow I made this lifetime to go all the way this lifetime with no holding back. This willingness to take risks in all areas of my life through implicitly trusting my own intuition and the masters has catapulted onto the world stage.
Always taking risks can be stressful at times and I do try to stay within the Tao of this process. But when I leave the Earth plane, I want to know that I gave my best shot and that I didn’t let fear govern any aspect of my life. Let us all, in this moment, make a spiritual vow and commitment to push our envelope to the very edge that our Tao permits. Many hold back their service work and movement into the public eye because of fear. If you wait until you feel totally comfortable, you probably never will take the risk. Remember the saying, “Feel the fear and do it anyway.”
Golden Key Number 366--Being A Renaissance Manor Person
This golden key has been the ideal of being a renaissance manor person. My ideal has been to develop myself in all areas and be well rounded. This would allow me to talk to all types of people and feel comfortable in all situations. Even though my main interest in life is spiritual things, I make it a point to try to be well-informed on many earthly matters. This is why watching the news and reading the newspaper are very important to me. This is why I enjoy television shows like Prime Time, Dateline, Sixty minutes, 20/20, the learning channel and listener-sponsored television. This is why I feel that it is so important to have a well-rounded education. If you can’t deal with people in the real world, then how can you be an effective leader.